The Beach | Flash Fiction

Exactly five years ago, he thought he was in love in love with the carefree girl. They were camping at the beach then. A gentle breeze filled the air, and night sky was full of bright stars. He was tending their bonfire and she was playing in the water with their other friends. Her loud laugh and happy disposition make his heart do jumping jacks.

He turned to his best friend, who was next to him, and said, “I’m going to make her fall in love with me, and you’re going to help me.”

His best friend was surprised with his declaration, but agreed.


She wanted to tell him that he was in love with him five years ago, at the beach. He was tending the bonfire, as their other friends play in the water. She loved that he’s reliable and thoughtful. When everyone decided to have fun in the water, he volunteered to stay behind to keep the fire going and watch their belongings.

She approached him and sat next to him. It seemed that he didn’t notice that she was there. He busy watching their carefree friend play in the water. She was about to confess when he turned to her direction.

“I’m going to make her fall in love with me, and you’re going to help me,” he said. She was shocked and heartbroken with his declaration, but she nodded. As his best friend, it is her role to help him all the time.


Fast forward to the present time. He was at the same beach with the love of his life. He looked at her with love in his eyes. Five years ago, they shared a special moment here. That special moment lead to their fairytale love story.

“Remember five years ago, when I asked to help me make a carefree girl fall in love with me?” he asked, as he held her hands.

She nodded with a smile on her face. “Funny, isn’t it? Who would have thought, that you would fall in love your best friend instead?”


Photo by Manuel Meurisse on Unsplash

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